Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

It was the finest Christmas, and I expect non-less for all of 2007. With a little bit of help, I’m beginning to expect to be around for the 70th. During the Christmas Eve Mass, I mentioned that I was looking forward to my 70th birthday.

As we close up on 2006, it was a good year. A very good year! Our family has never been closer and more there for each other. Pride, when based in truth, is a very good thing. I’m proud of my family. I have no idea where I would be without them. They kept me whole and gave me hope. They really made me understand they wanted to keep me around, so I decided to take them up on it, and I stayed around with them.

My new class on mind-body control (meditation from the stress reduction clinic) begins on Jan 14th and I’m excited. Chloe and I spent 1 1/2 hours in orientation already. If it provides even 1/2 of what they say it will, I’ll be happy. Chloe is going to be able to attend the entire thing with me. It will help us both. It’s ten weeks – 2 1/2 hours each night. I hope I’ll be able to do it, but I’m going to work like hell with it.

May 2007 be a great year for you. Anyone going to Times Square? Friends just came back from NY - didn’t sound like they were moving to NY right away. Only those of us who grew up on Ryerson St. really know what NY is all about, and that part of it is in your blood. Happy New Year!!!!!

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