Thursday, November 09, 2006

Veteran’s Day 2006

I hope I don’t sound too proud in saying, “I think I may be the most loyal – non-veteran”. Yeah! That’s too vain.

You know cancer gives you a lot of time to remember. God has truly blessed me with some wonderful memories. One of the finest comes with emotion, insights, and inspiring sensual stuff - the stark beauty of the white crosses, the peacefulness of the environment, and the un-apologetic tears of friends and relative. As a little kid (born in ’37) through-out the war my dad used to take me to the cemeteries of Brooklyn to plant flags. To a little kid, it seemed like the cemeteries of the world. I would hold his hand with my left and carry flags with my right. He had one son in a German prison camp and another buried at Anzio never to return. Gives me goose bumps even today. How did he keep his heart inside his body? He loved them as he loved me. We have the letter from Charlie’s chaplain – written in a foxhole several months later saying he just wanted us to know what fond memories they all had of him. It was nothing heroic – took shrapnel while on sentry duty within their encampment – dead within seconds.

To these gals and guys and all of today’s gals and guys I offer up my cancer. I was drafted for this duty. I will not only think and remember the deceased, but also the living and their families. My America is their America and I’m so indebted for the values, hope and love they left and are leaving for me, my kids and grandchildren. I hope that I have been somewhat respectful of those gifts.


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