Thursday, November 23, 2006

Past Co-workers Brenda & Frank

Past co-worker, Brenda Davis, was in town from Tennessee to visit friends in Washington state. Stops included the ACAP Center at Fort Lewis, where she worked for 5 years, church friends, and Frank!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Frank,
I wish I had been there to see both of you. You both look Good. I was in KY and then Alaska working with the soldiers returning from Iraq. They seem to be in three camps those who are looking forward, those who don't know where to look and just hung over. I hope we were some help to all of them. We gave them what we could and the next person to contact down the line. Each one who wanted got a thirty minute individual session. These sessions really seemed to get them from wondering to taking action. I hope it was enough. pat