Sunday, December 09, 2007

How Can I Complain? Look around us and things are tougher for all.

I’m trying to keep updating on a two week update but have repeatedly failed you, my apologies. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Knowing you are still interested in me is that extra medication that often takes me over the top.

Each day I take an inventory of just those I am surrounded by – unbelievable. Where did I find such good people? I used to be a leader in measuring those who just didn’t measure up, until I realized I was focused in the wrong direction and on the wrong people. My reflections, prayers and wishes for the present and future are now more on the stick. I’ll try to get with it and try to spend a future trying to fit a little more snugly into His shoes (have you counted all the trys in that sentence???).!!!!!

Kris will probably need an operation as a result of latest fall and feedback from MRI. My last cataract operation last week finished with a 20-25. Laura brings joy and smiles to our faces every day and every day from new experience. Seems like yesterday when Tara and family were here from Colorado and that yesterday will be repeated tomorrow as they return again for a visit until Sunday morning. We are planning a blast as we also celebrate Zoe Brooklyn’s 2nd birthday. Mike and Jessie have announced their engagement for mid July of ’08. A few of the reasons why God may have postponed my final separation from Him before taking a shot at those last steps of the journey. Last two weeks were transition weeks in my chemo program and were tough ones. My friend Phil Foucauld has returned to further treatment of his multi myeloma, and it looks like a similar or identical program as mine. It’s done wonders for me and I wish no less for him. As my miracle man, Doctor Cox says none of us is really the same. Please include him and his spouse in your prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that if we had added our blog counter from day numero uno, we’d be at over 4,000 hits, and mingled in that many hits, there would have had to have been a special one.

I’m really tired tonight so I think I’ll sign off. I lost one entire night of sleep this week and have not made up for it. Take care. God bless you and yours.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours. I am spending it with my family including a new grandson and friends. I also have a few projects to finish. I would love to see you. May God bless You. pat

Kevin said...

Mr. Kabisch,

It has been some time since I dropped you a line. I wanted you to know that you have been in our thoughts. We are out in Tennessee now and we have added a little boy to our small family. Benjamin Angelo Pierre Paine Bartoy was born on July 27 and he is a blessing.

All our love,

Kevin, Jen, and Ben. AKA The Bartoys.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today as Christmas and the New Year have me thinking of old and new friends gained through the years. Take care.


Anonymous said...

I lost your email and blah, blah, blah, blah want to write you send directly to me and give me nother chance. Had a great time with you all in Mexico - the gliding didn't help the cancer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Frankie - we just wanted you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts, and that we check your blog. Love, Pat, Julie, Patrick, & Liam (and baby boy #3 due 5/5/08).