Friday, January 26, 2007

Another Beautiful Day, and It Really is!


Waiting for continued insight into remission/non-remission questions and change of strategy. About 2 weeks out to learn more.

Into 2nd week of Mind/Body classes and getting a lot from class/homework and working through everything with Kris. A real integration of the things we need to be into at this time. We still struggle for a time and do get overwhelmed.

Retreat: I don’t want to bore you but the spiritual part of who I am has been very much shaped by my spiritual and religious development - absolutely critical to me. In fact, I’m not sure of where I would be without it. The personal retreat has led me to searching the scriptures to see what there is of my immediate future. I’m focused on the passage of the Transfiguration – it seems to be very appropriate for me – when this whole thing started I wanted to see Jesus alone, and I was ready to pitch tent and stay with that vision, but the Father said – there are things yet to be done. Since then I have been trying to find those things and continue to find my way. It has been very fruitful. If interested – look it up yourself.

Nice weather – it really helps to get this nice weather – went out to eat yesterday with my son Tim and his son Monty – 3 generations of Kabisch – the abuse of the name will continue into the future – may he have thick skin.

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