Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy 4th of July

I’ve probably not been better, but sort of hurt more and feel lousier. The price of getting better! I hope that makes some sense. It’s hard for me to figure out, so if you have the answer – let me know.

I Got holy hell from my doctor last week, and in front of my wife. I was telling him about some of my frustrations with regards to visitors and phone calls, and he just let me have it. When will I learn to relax? When will I retire and just stop? Why won’t I listen to my body? Have you forgotten already how sick you were and still are? I think you got the message. I’ll have mercy and stop – he did not. That’s what I like about my doctor – he’s so shy.

This is a long weekend for most of you. I hope it’s a wonderful weekend. I hope you will internalize ever value that our nation has stood for and our brothers have died for.

- Frank

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