Sunday, March 12, 2006

And more progress

Frank continues to gain weight and strength. He is focused and continues to feel well and has been able, for the first time, to climb the stairs. Frank was given permission from the doctor to go out amongst people, when he feels strong enough. The main concern is his weakened immune system and coming in contact with sick people. But it's all good for now!


Anonymous said...

This IS great news!!! Keep up the good fight and I hope you continue to progress in this direction!!!

Anonymous said...

Great way to start off the week --
Keep up the good work
Pat & Barb

Jenny Bartoy said...

Mr. Kabisch,

This is Kevin Bartoy down in Berkeley California. I just found your blog and am happy to hear that you are on the upswing. I want you to know that Jenny and I have you completely in our thoughts and prayers. All our love is sent northward with some California sunshine.

All our love,

Kevin and Jenny.

Anonymous said...

Looks as though prayers are very slowly being answered. Keep the spirit, focus and granddaughter firmly in view and relish each improvement. If you need extra weight I'd be a very happy donon! blessings to Kris, it's not easy, we know! Love to you both.
Ralph and Pattie