Family Update '08
Tara is employed with Starz Entertainment in Colorado. Mike walks the streets of Seattle in search of homeless with a special eye out for the vet. He's done with his class work and this is his final OJT towards his drug/alcohol counseling certification. Tim raises Monty Pope as the most fantastic of kids. Their spouses, Jim, Debi and Jessie continue to be the pride of our lives. Kris sacrifices all to care and love me. I remain stable in my cancer as I move into my fourth year of survival.
When asked if I've had a good day my response is more focused. No, I never do, but the hours and minutes have been enough to make it all worthwhile, fantastic moments of a lifetime. The warmth of a childhood remembrance, the experiences of teenage progress and failure, the strong and faulty steps of adulthood and the marvels of priesthood, marriage, and parenthood bring depth and joy to these moments of now. We have grown in your friendships as we have been nourished by the gifts of God throughout our lives.
The laughs and joys of each day continue as they provide balance to the pain and hurt of a cancer little understood. I am humbled in moments of self-pity by the courage and love of friends in their illnesses and deaths. they have lit the highway before me as I maneuver the turns and dangers that arise from day to day. Their examples help us to better appreciate the celebrations of the year and now of Christmas.
There will be toys under the tree. We will all be together. In our togetherness we will laugh and enjoy the day as we ponder the mystery of it all. Jesus is born to us. Mary is happy amidst her sufferings and Joseph will forever be a model of quiet strength and gift of self. May we all be granted a level of faith that brings alive the meaning of love in togetherness, gift giving, sacrifice and prayer.
God bless you all in His love.