I’m hoping the weather will be changing, and I’ll rid myself of excuses and get back to writing my book. I picked it up last week and really felt good about it. All those who have read it so far have been very positive about it. I need some encouragement. I’m like a little kid. Ok, this is a computer and it has a key board, start typing – good – yes those are words – you are doing well – keep going. Encouragement was receiving a note from my grandson Kellan last week, it was just great and almost brought me to tears – I loved it. If he could do that, why can’t I do this?
Kris and I really miss the kids so much. However, I don’t think it’s possible to match her love – it’s just so deep and so reciprocal. There are so many trips coming up and visitors coming (we are looking forward to each and every one of them, but it’s impossible to discern how we can do them) these next few months. One possibility is Denver, Colorado, but it looks like almost impossible to pull off no matter how we lay it out. But it’s still on the cork board with a pin through the top of it. The doctor says I’m the decision maker, and he’s merely the professional truth teller. Even I’m (the thick headed) scared of the trip to New England - well over 10 hours and many changes. One of the measurements of sanity is bi-location – guess I don’t have any of that – it must have been on the longer line when I took the shorter one – oh well!
I had my stockings changed the other day after the doctors showed such amazement and the physical fitness specialist felt the same. She merely made a few adjustments and things look like they will come together even better than they already have – I’m an awfully lucky guy.
Meet Mrs. Jessie Forsyth Kabisch - wife of Michael Francis James Kabisch – daughter-in-law of Francis Henry James Kabisch. Jessie is presently the highest graded student of all students in the Seattle University Law School. She is absolutely loved by each and every member of the Munholland and Kabisch families - without exception – and most especially by the father-in-law and all grandkids.
I am presently on my steroids so I have to monitor myself with a little more self discipline than usual. This is the time when Kris says I want to move Mount Rainier and return to work. Next week things will be different. I’ll read a little more of my book – Legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner – I recommend it highly.
Love you all!!!!!